My road to success

I started my adventure with sport as a child with a passion for gymnastics and athletics. It was not until the time I was at university that I discovered that I wanted to do this for a living, and help others keep motivation for a healthy lifestyle. That's why I decided to become an individual personal trainer and focus on forwarding my knowledge. The beginnings of my passion consisted of daily physical exercise, participation in sports competitions, and organizing my own group meetings. My clients often use my services and recommend them further, so today I can boast about many successes which are personal motivations for me in work and practice. I draw my daily enjoyment and motivation for work from helping others, and also from their personal successes, which are also mine.

Helping others achieve the best possible physical condition and developing them is my constant passion, and that is why it’s a great pleasure to set up training schedules for others. I am a certified personal trainer who also has many other interests besides sports. However, it was sports that I decided to make a living out of. My daily work is characterized by constant changes, as well as many training sessions, which I schedule in person. That is why I value individual contact with each client and I want them to feel comfortable during sports activities.